Drive business growth and customer loyalty by identifying and addressing customer problems when they happen

This leading industrial product and service provider invested in customer survey technology, but couldn’t get the responses they needed to represent their customers. Without that, the business couldn’t understand their customers on a deeper level – especially the customers that had bad experiences.

This company used the PATH research studio to target and understand unhappy customers. Not only did it help the company drive improvements across their experience, it also drove an exponential return on investment by improving the value of their existing customer survey platform.

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Client Impact Story

Expanding business by addressing unhappy customers.

One of our clients, a leading industrial product and service provider, was experiencing significant information gaps with their current online survey platform.

A woman holds a cell phone in her hand to check for incoming notifications

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Step One

Identify the Opportunity

The company needed an improved customer survey process with visibility into the “why” behind unhappy customers.

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Step Two

Find the Solution

Our full service telephonic research studio dove deeper with unhappy customers across all client locations to reveal the most important problems.

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Step Three

Take Action

Through targeted customer surveying and improved journey mapping, we helped them minimize the negative effects of unhappy customers by helping them use data to focus on the most important areas of opportunity.

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Step Four

Understanding Impact

The company now has 100% customer voice representation across all locations to give them the data they need to upgrade customer experiences, leading to stronger relationships and revenue growth.


Data Defines Direction.

Using our full-service telephonic research studio, we gathered survey data and experience research to reveal potential areas of improvement within the current Net Promoter Score process.


key insight One

Unhappy Customers Can Be Our Biggest Opportunity

While we tend to focus on relationships with our loyal and committed customers (the “promoters”), sometimes the biggest improvement can be made by solving the problems of our unhappy customers (passives and detractors)

CX Trend with Detractors

key insight Two

Simple Surveys Don’t Always Provide the Best Data

A simple and brief survey may seem like the best option for the customers, however, additional follow-up and increased feedback are needed to truly understand how to build a powerful customer experience

key insight THree

Extra Data on Key Accounts Can Drive Extension Opportunities

Strengthening relationships leads to extension of business. By identifying their largest customers and how to use the data to learn more about their needs, the company has increased the number of products and services used by these customers.

Product Lines Used - Key Accounts



Growth requires a focus customer loyalty in 4 ways:

  • Retaining customers

  • Doing more business with them

  • Identifying ways satisfied customers can promote the company

  • A willingness for customers to provide important feedback

All of these strategies can be identified by using customer satisfaction metrics and the Net Promoter Score categories (Promoters, Passives and Detractors).However, any metric is useless unless you had good data to represent your customers – Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) included. Investing time and resources to get strong data you can trust make all customer experience investments more valuable across the board.

A man sits at his desk working on his laptop